The Freedom Programme
Haven Domestic Abuse Service deliver the Freedom Programme to women who have suffered Domestic Abuse. It is a twelve-week course designed to empower women and stop them becoming repeat victims of Domestic Abuse.
What is the Freedom Programme?
You can self-refer or ask a professional to refer you. This is a popular course and places are limited. We alternate our delivery between Boston and South Holland. Delivery takes place face to face or via teams.
Through this course, women gain a greater understanding of attitudes and beliefs, the perpetrator’s actions and the responses of victims helping them understand what has happened to them, how children are affected by this abuse and how lives improve once the abuse is removed. It reinforces that they should not feel guilty and helps women gain the tools to work with their children to help recovery and move on to a life free from abuse.
Book your space on the course
To enquire about a course or book a place please contact us.

What others are saying
“I was terrified when I first started the freedom programme and I didn’t know what to expect L and K are lovely ladies who really do care deeply about every single person who attends a freedom programme and they provide a safe place for you to be able to talk.
I was so terrified of talking and speaking out but towards the end of the programme I managed to find my voice a little and speak with the ladies over after feeling add to keep my mouth shut for so long. Everyone on the programme has a genuine approach of wanting to care and support each other. It helped me to feel that I wasn’t alone and that I wasn’t going mad, I wasn’t judged, I could release my emotions an cry out or get frustrated if I wanted to without being told I shouldn’t. The course can make everything hit home and parts of it I found her extremely challenging but with the support from L and K it made it a bit easier to deal with”.
“This was a very insightful course to do it makes you develop awareness into unhealthy relationships and I’ve come to realise that it wasn’t my fault which has given me the ability to move on with my life and ensure that I don’t end up in another unhealthy relationship K and L full in the way of managing emotions of several women all at one time. They showed compassion, kindness, patience, and a non-judgemental mental attitude and gave sound advice to give women hope. Space I no longer feel confused after an 18 year marriage with four children I was very conditioned. This has enabled me to know what I want, be strong in mind, have the confidence and trust in my own decisions to be able to move on and start to enjoy my life”.
Words from victim-survivors we have helped
Your voice matters –
feedback is important to us!